One of the most common questions we get asked is how to make a blog more popular. We have a diverse group of bloggers in the network. Some of you are very new, while some of you have forgotten more about blogging than I will ever know. So, these tips should be great info for some, and useless to others. And if you can offer any tips to new bloggers on how to make their site more popular, please leave a comment.
1. Get your RSS out there – For those of you who do not know, RSS stands for Real Simple Syndication, which is appropriate because it’s a very simple way to syndicate the content of your blog to other sites and aggregators. The most effective way I know of to syndicate your RSS is through Feedburner. This one submission should get you into a lot of directories across the Web.
2. Optimize your site for search – This is something I know a lot about. Search engine optimization tactics can make your site popular very fast. Ranking for the right term will sky rocket your traffic literally overnight. Blogs are inherently east to optimize. They have the main things Google looks for, plenty of fresh content, and usually some good links back from other websites. I’ll do a more expanded posting on SEO for blogs some point in the near future. But for now consider the following items. Follow step 1 and get your feed into a RSS syndication service. Ask other bloggers to link to your blog through their postings or on their blogroll. And title your postings with terms you would like to rank for. Follow those three simple rules, and keep your blog updated often, and search traffic should find your site. If you are on your own domain name, you may want to consider using Google Sitemaps to get your pages indexed even faster.
3. Make it easy for others to help you – Adding social tagging systems like Technorati will help people find your site through blog searches. And adding links for people to add your posting to Digg and their accounts will help your gain traction quickly.
4. Be social – Make sure to comment on other blogs, and add blogs to your blogroll that you like. This is half the fun in blogging anyway, and it will help build up your popularity with other bloggers.
It goes without saying that you should keep your blog updated often, I would say at least 3 times per week. And you want to write some good postings that other people will find interesting. Don’t just report what others are saying, have an opinion. It’s your blog, and that’s what will drive people to interact with you.
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